Treaty and Land Acknowledgement

New Canadians Centre (Peterborough) does an oral land acknowledgement at its public meetings. It opens its Multicultural Canada Day event with a greeting in Ojibwe by the Women's Hand Drum group and always has them on as the first performer for the stage show.

Citizens for Public Justice (Ottawa) starts internal meetings with a territorial recognition, and has added the same to its e-mail addresses and letterhead.

Immigrant Services Society of BC, or ISSofBC (Vancouver, Squamish, Caribou North) has a land acknowledgement on it’s website.

Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba, or IRCOM, (Winnipeg) opens major events with the traditional Indigenous presentation of tobacco to an Elder/Cultural Advisor and Indigenous singing, drumming and prayer.

Canadian Council for Refugees (National/Montreal) has a territorial acknowledgement of where the office is located in staff email signatures. CCR also starts all meetings and workshops with the land acknowledgement, and National Consultations begin with a welcome from members of the local Indigenous communities.

Find an interesting exploration of the significance of territorial acknowledgements here: