Excluded family members: understanding the problem, finding solutions (Part 1 of 2)


This first part of the two-part webinar series on family reunification provided practical information about Excluded Family Member cases. Section 117(9)(d) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (the "Excluded Family Member" provision) imposes a lifelong sponsorship ban on family members who were not declared or examined at the time of the sponsor's immigration to Canada. The provision affects many vulnerable newcomers, including many refugees, preventing them from reuniting with spouses, partners or children.

This webinar discussed R.117(9)(d) and the recourses available. It is designed for front-line workers and anyone else who is supporting or may in the future need to support someone affected by R. 117(9)(d).

Practical issues in family reunification (Part II) will take place on Thursday 9 March 2017, 2:00 - 3:00 pm (Eastern Time).

Cette session a eu lieu en anglais. Une version française de cette série de deux webinaires aura lieu le 14 mars à 14h. Cliquez ici pour plus de renseignements.

Thursday 16 February , 2:00 - 3:00 pm (Eastern Time)


JLiew Jamie Liew, University of Ottawa 
JStone Jennifer Stone, Neighbourhood Legal Services 

Nir Gepner, Willowdale Community Legal Services

Click here to access resources from this webinar. (You must be logged in to your CCR member account).