Canadian Council for Refugees E-Chronicle, Vol. 11 no. 1, 5 May 2016

CCR Chronicle

Canadian Council for Refugees E-Chronicle
Vol. 11 #1, 5 May 2016

In this issue:

  1. CCR calls for further amendments to Citizenship Act

The Canadian Council for Refugees published its submission on Bill C-6, welcoming the introduction of amendments to the Citizenship Act and calling for further changes to provide equal access to citizenship and fair process.

“We need to bring down barriers to citizenship, especially for already disadvantaged groups such as refugees, the elderly, and women,” said Loly Rico, CCR President. “In line with Canada’s international obligations, we encourage the government to craft a new citizenship regime to which all applicants will have equal access without discrimination.”

Read more at:

  1. Reform of rules on refugees’ loss of status urgent following new court decision

The Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) and the Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) are calling on the government to move urgently to amend the law in the wake of the Federal Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Bermudez. The Court found that the government is legally obliged in certain circumstances to try to strip refugees of their status in Canada and that only Parliament can fix the problem.

Read more at:

  1. This Mother's Day: Take action to ensure express family reunification

As Mother's day approaches, the CCR would like to remind people of the mothers who are desperately trying to be reunited with their children and who face year-long immigration delays.

Although the new government has promised shorter processing times for Family Class immigrants, there has been no similar commitment to improve processing times for refugees and live-in caregivers who are seeking to be reunited with their children. For them family reunification processing times are even longer than for Family Class.  

Catherine's story:

Catherine is trying to be reunited with her two young daughters (3 and 5 years old).

Catherine had to flee her country of origin because of her work as a women’s rights activist. She has been recognized as a refugee in Canada but she must wait for immigration processing before she can be reunited with her two daughters left behind in Africa.

Current processing times for the region are 3 and a half years (41 months)!

Thousands of mothers like Catherine are separated from their children because of their legal status. You can help ensure that that no mother will ever have to pass a Mother's Day without her children.

Join the Canadian Council for Refugees in promoting speedy family reunification:

  • Write your MP to ask for Express Entry Family Reunification for Catherine’s children and all other children separated from their parents

Take action today at:

  1. CCR National Spring Consultation: Saskatoon, June 2 to 4, 2016

Join us in Saskatoon this June to explore questions affecting refugee protection and newcomer settlement at the Canadian Council for Refugees Spring Consultation. We will be taking stock of achievements and challenges in welcoming Syrian refugees.

We are pleased to announce that the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum will be participating.

All are welcome!

With views from all Canadian provinces and with participants in fields as diverse as healthcare and the law, the conference offers opportunities for professional development, networking and strategy.

More information at:

  1. National meeting on migrant worker issues: June 5, 2016

This full-day meeting will be a skill-share and strategy session for migrant workers and people in diverse sectors across Canada that work with and/or advocate for the rights of migrant workers.

The objectives of this meeting are:

  • To bring together workers and advocates from across the country to share experiences, exchange ideas and develop partnerships
  • To bring ideas and information on organizing for migrant worker rights to Saskatchewan, with the goal of supporting a nascent migrant worker rights movement locally
  • To create a space where workers and advocates from different sectors and provinces can strategize around advancing the campaign for migrant worker rights in the context of the new federal government

Register for the meeting at

  1. Dedicate a gift to protect refugees in honor of mom

Did you know that you can make a donation in honour of someone special and help rebuild a warm response to refugees in Canada?

For more information, visit:


Join the CCR

By joining the CCR, your organization will become part of a vibrant and dynamic national network of over 170 organizations committed to refugee and migrant rights and the integration of newcomers.

Not with an organization? Individuals can join as Associate Members.

* Membership is not open to members of government or to members of the media 

To find out more on how to become a member of the CCR, please visit:

Upcoming Meetings

CCR Spring Consultation
2 - 4 June 2016

National Meeting on Migrant Worker Issues
5 June 2016

Summer Working Group Meetings
9 - 10 Spetember 2016

CCR Fall Consultation
24 - 26 November 2016