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Media Advisory: Press Conference - Haiti

Canadian Council for Refugees

Media Advisory

For immediate release

18 January 2010

Press conference
Call for Special Immigration Measures for Haiti

The Canadian Council for Refugees, Table de concertation au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrants, la Maison d’Haïti et le Conseil national des citoyens et citoyennes d’origine haïtienne invite representatives of the media to a press conference.

The organizations will be calling for special measures immigration to respond to the crisis in Haiti, and commenting on the measures announced to date by Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

When: Tuesday 19 January, 1 pm
Where: La Maisonnée, 226 Beaubien Est (coin Alma), Montreal QC

For more information:

Colleen French, Canadian Council for Refugees, 514-277-7223 ext. 1, 514-476-3971 (cell),

Stephan Reichhold , TCRI, 514-791-2455,