Better Together - research

  • Better TogetherUsing data and research to make our point:

To ensure what we have to say has an impact, we often need to turn to data and research to:

  • Contrast the long-term benefits of welcoming refugees with the short-term costs:

Story 1: ‘Once they conquer the language barrier, Syrian refugees make critical contributions. … We’re providing them with resources, but in a very short turnover, people make tremendous contributions to our community.’ Jennifer Watt, CEO, Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia

Story 2: Refugees contribute more than most Canadians after 25 years living here

    Refugees and other newcomers drive small business growth, despite unique challenges:

Story 1

Story 2

    We must also talk about the future contributions of the children of former refugees:


There are many positive economic returns on investment by hiring refugees:
