Report from 2013 Annual Tripartite Consultations on Resettlement (ATCR): What can we learn?


Canada chaired the 2013 Annual Tripartite Consultation on Resettlement (ATCR) which was held in July in Geneva. The ATCR brought together representatives from the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from resettlement countries.

Chris Friesen and Sherman Chan reported on the meeting and on topics discussed including global resettlement issues, priority populations (e.g. Syria/Iraq, Congolese), best practices for facilitating integration and best interests of the child. Participate in this webinar to hear what was discussed and what it may mean for resettlement of refugees to Canada.

*The webinar was in English, but participants were welcome to ask questions in French.*

Resource persons:


Chris Friesen, ATCR NGO Focal Point 2013, Chair of the National Settlement Council and Director of Settlement Services at Immigrant Services Society of BC Vancouver


SChanSherman Chan, Co-Chair of the CCR Immigration and Settlement Working Group and CCR representative to the 2013 ATCR, MOSAIC, Vancouver


Wednesday 4 September, 2 - 3 pm (Eastern time)

Click here for resources from the webinar (you must be logged in to your CCR member account)