Criminal inadmissibility: understanding the consequences for non-citizens


Many non-citizens in Canada are unaware of the immigration consequences of a criminal conviction. According to our laws, non-citizens who commit a crime in Canada or outside Canada after their arrival in the country may be penalized under immigration law, in addition to being punished under criminal law (we describe this as “double punishment”). Concretely, this can result for non-citizens in the loss of immigration status and subsequent deportation. 

Participants at this webinar will learn about: 

  • What crimes lead to criminal inadmissibility? (Immigration and Refugee Protection Act section 36)
  • The immigration consequences of committing or being convicted of a crime
  • Citizenship application as a preventive measure 
This webinar will last 60 minutes, and is part of the “Improving access to Justice” series, funded by the Law Foundation of Ontario, designed to reinforce the capacity of front-line workers to support refugees and vulnerable migrants in accessing legal information.

Presenter Erica Olmstead will provide practical information, guiding front-line workers through challenging aspects of our legislation. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

7 March 2018, 2 pm – 3 pm (Eastern time)

Resource persons:


Erica Olmstead is Lawyer at Edelmann & Co in Vancouver.

Cette session aura lieu en anglais. La version française aura lieu le 7 mars à 15h30. Cliquez ici pour plus de renseignements.


Click here for resources from this webinar