
Updated position on Definition of the family

Resolution number
  1. The legal definition of family used in the Canadian immigration system is an impediment to family reunification;
  2. The current definition of the family in immigration law is based on a traditional, first-world (Western or Global North) and heterosexist vision of the family. In effect, this definition is narrow and discriminatory;
  3. As soon as a dependent person does not meet the current family definition criteria, the application is rejected;
  4. Past CCR resolutions on family reunification that touch on the definition of family, including the November 2011 resolution: "An increased commitment to family reunification", do not include the reality of LGBTQ+ immigrants and other social groups.


Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR:

  1. Supports a definition of family that takes into account the family realities observed in various cultural communities and other family dependency situations (multigenerational family, de facto child, brother and sister, etc.), as well as the specific realities of other diverse social groups, including the families of people from LGBTQ+ communities.


Access to services for temporary residents

Resolution number
  1. Canada relies on the labour of migrant workers including those with closed work permits under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and their family members, international students (“workers with temporary and precarious status”);
  2. The number of workers with temporary and precarious status in Canada has been increasing steadily for two decades;
  3. IRCC-funded services currently exclude workers with temporary and precarious status;
  4. Workers with temporary and precarious status are not eligible for the vast majority of government-subsidized legal services;
  5. Issues of exploitation and abuse of workers with temporary and precarious status are documented and systemic;
  6. Systemic abuse in the recruitment and migration processes creates vulnerabilities for many workers with temporary and precarious status, and lack of access to services exacerbates vulnerabilities they may experience;
  7. Workers with temporary and precarious status have limited to no access to subsidized legal services which they require when seeking recourse for abuse and exploitation;
  8. The support needs of workers with temporary and precarious status vary according to a diversity of identities, including gender and sexual identity;
  9. Economic and Social Development Canada is responsible jointly with IRCC for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program and funds the Migrant Worker Support Program;
  10. IRCC is responsible for issuing work permits under Canada’s temporary migration work and study programs;
  11. CCR has long advocated for access to adequate services for refugees and migrants, including access to legal aid from competent legal professionals; (See Resolution 2 May 01 1999; Res. 1 June 01 2019).


Therefore be it resolved


  1. All workers with temporary and precarious status in Canada have access to IRCC-funded settlement services;
  2. ESDC funding for support services for migrant workers must be renewed and increased on an ongoing basis;
  3. Federal and provincial governments fund access to legal aid services for workers with temporary and precarious status seeking access to justice;
  4. These services must be adapted to meet the intersectional needs of this population.


Women at Risk

Resolution number
  1. Some refugee women in need of resettlement fit the special criteria of the Women at Risk Programme (in general women in urgent need of resettlement (Stream A) or women who require longer term settlement assistance (Stream B));
  2. The CCR has called for the expeditious processing of Stream A cases;
  3. The CCR has affirmed the use of the Joint Assistance Initiative (formerly Joint Assistance Programme) for Stream B cases;
  4. Citizenship and Immigration officials have indicated that refugee women fitting the Stream A of the Women at Risk Programme have been processed as government-assisted refugees (CR1) because CR1 refugees can be processed more quickly than Women at Risk cases;
  5. When Stream A Women at Risk cases are processed as CR1s they are not counted in Women at Risk Programme statistics;
  6. Citizenship and Immigration Canada has not followed up on its review of the Women at Risk Programme nor responded to the recommendations adopted by the CCR in November 1994;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR:

  1. Express to Citizenship and Immigration Canada its deep disappointment at the lack of attention to reform of the Women at Risk programme.
  2. Call on the Department to:

            a) Distinguish in its Women at Risk statistics between Stream A and Stream B cases;

            b) Continue to process expeditiously women with urgent protection needs through CR1 channels, but categorize them as Women at Risk Stream A for the purpose of statistics, where they meet the Women at Risk definition;

            c) Continue to process Women at Risk Stream B cases as a subset of the Joint Assistance Initiative, categorized for statistical purposes as Women at Risk Stream B;

  1. Reaffirm its former Women at Risk resolutions, with a particular emphasis on the call to negotiate the use of Reception Centres for the initial reception and (for CR5) matching of Women at Risk.

Gender analysis

Resolution number
  1. In many areas immigration policy affects men and women differently;
  2. There is no central coordination of gender analysis within the Immigration Department;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on CIC to establish a gender policy advisor.


Protection of refugee women in Dadaab

Resolution number
  1. The UNHCR has a program providing firewood to refugees in Dadaab camp;
  2. This program has been instrumental in reducing the incidences of rape of refugee women when they go out to collect firewood;
  3. Funding for this program ends in June 1999;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge Canada to provide funding for the continuation of the firewood program for Dadaab, Kenya.


Refugee women as leaders

Resolution number
  1. The CCR has expressed commitment to inclusive practices and in particular refugee participation;
  2. Refugee women face systemic and societal barriers in accessing opportunities for participation in leadership capacities;
  3. Participants of the Refugee Women's meeting expressed a desire and commitment to continued participation and identified the need for space to share experiences, network, address specific issues and develop affirmative actions for follow up;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Provide space at CCR conferences for refugee women, with a priority to outreach to informally organized refugee women;
  2. Ensure refugee women as a priority in the nominations for positions to the CCR Executive and Working Group Chairs, similar to the refugee participation policy;
  3. Identify better strategies in the promotion of the Refugee Participation Fund to include better methods of ensuring continuity, support and orientation for participants, e.g. mentoring;
  4. Strongly encourage member agencies to facilitate support of the participation of refugee women through the Refugee Participation Fund and to provide resources and support to develop and maintain networks at local levels.

Gender-based analysis

Resolution number
  1. The Gender Based Analysis Unit of CIC has completed a gender based analysis of C-11;
  2. The analysis has identified areas of potential negative gender impacts;
  3. Bill C-11 requires gender-based reporting to Parliament;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Call on CIC to post the full text of the gender based analysis of Bill C-11, the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, on their website;
  2. Request CIC to ensure that the action items identified in the analysis document are implemented;
  3. Request CIC to ensure that the Gender Based Analysis Unit of CIC is provided with adequate resources to carry out the research, data collection and monitoring functions of the unit.
Working Group

Gender based analysis accountability

Resolution number
  1. GBA of the impact of IRPA is mandated through legislation;
  2. A report of the Gender impacts will be included in the Minister's annual report each year;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR request the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to commit adequate resources and priority to monitoring the gender impacts of IRPA and to change policies where negative differential impacts on women are identified.

Working Group

Gender-based claims and the PRRA

Resolution number
  1. Gender claims can take time to emerge , especially if the agent of persecution is a family member or the principal applicant, and the woman's claim was not heard;
  2. The PRRA could be one remedy for a gender-based claim that was not previously heard;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call upon CIC:

  1. To accept at the PRRA level, claims based on gender, including severed claims, as "new evidence" to be considered.
  2. To designate specific gender experts as PRRA officers in each region.
  3. To ensure that all PRRA officers receive ongoing gender based training including relevant case examples.
Working Group

Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups

Resolution number
  1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups have contributed significantly to the development of CCR policy and practices since their creation;
  2. The structure of the core groups no longer meets the needs of the CCR membership;
  3. The CCR adopted in May 2009 an Anti-Oppression Policy which addresses oppression based on gender and racism as well as many other forms of oppression;
Therefore be it resolved


  1. The Gender and Anti-Racism Core Groups cease to exist.
  2. The Executive, in consultation with current core group members, core group candidates, Working Group chairs and other members interested, develop a proposal for new structures to address anti-oppression issues, and that this proposal be submitted to the membership at the Spring General Meeting. In the meantime the Executive will have responsibility for ensuring gender and anti-racism issues are addressed.
Working Group