Equitable Access in Africa

Resolution number
  1. Equitable access to resettlement and dignified treatment are fundamental to a just refugee resettlement system;
  2. Processing times for refugees to Canada from Africa are unacceptably long;
  3. The number of visa offices processing permanent residence applications in Africa is shockingly inadequate;
  4. CIC does not have the physical office space and resources to process applications;
  5. Refugees and their families suffer disproportionately from this situation in spite of the reality that African countries host huge numbers of refugees in need of resettlement;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on the government of Canada to provide:

  1. Sufficient visa offices in Africa to ensure adequate access.
  2. Sufficient resources to ensure timely processing times for refugee and family class applications in Africa.
Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement