Delayed departures of accepted Kurdish refugees in Turkey

Resolution number
  1. CCR Resolution 6, May 1993, called on the Canadian embassy in Ankara to recognize the risk to the lives of Kurdish refugees and expedite their resettlement in Canada;
  2. There are approximately 400 Iraqi refugees identified by the UNHCR who are living in wretched conditions in camps in Turkey even though they were accepted by Canada over one year ago;
  3. Medicals are beginning to expire as a result of the long delays;
  4. These people have not been considered for resettlement in other countries because of their acceptance by Canada;
  5. Tension in camps is rising and there is fear of refoulement;
Therefore be it resolved
That the CCR contact the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration exhorting Canada to let all of these already accepted refugees depart for Canada immediately.
Working Group
Overseas Protection and Resettlement