National Day of Action: Open the doors to Refugees

Join an event in your region:

Upcoming Events:

Montreal: "The Syrian Refugee Crisis: Seeking Protection in Dangerous Times", October 5, 12pm-2pm, Concordia University (1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West), Montreal. Details and registration:… (bilingual event) 

Saint John: Sunday, September 27, 2pm, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 91 Waterloo St (vigil)

Fredericton: Sunday, October 4, 2pm, St. Dunstan's Church, 120 Regent St (vigil)

Miramichi: Saturday, October 10, 2pm, St Michael's Basilica,  10 Howard St (vigil)


Past events: 

OttawaThursday September 17, 6:30pm at Canadian Human Rights Memorial on Elgin and Lisgar. Details:

Montreal: Thursday September 17, 5:30pm-6:30pm, at St. James Square, 463 St. Catherine West (in front of St. James United) Details:

Toronto: Thursday September 17, 5:00pm-6:30pm, at Nathan Philips Square - Toronto City Hall (corner of Bay and Queen, Queen subway station:

Waterloo regionTuesday September 15, 5 :30 pm, at Kitchener City Hall

Victoria: Thursday, September 17, 12:30pm, at Centennial Square, Victoria (traditional Lekwungen territory). Details:

For more information, or to add an event contact