International Network on Refugee Rights

The Conference in Pictures

Launching an international network

In June 2006, the Canadian Council for Refugees hosted a very successful International Refugee Rights Conference in Toronto, Canada.  The conference was attended by close to 500 participants, with representation from over 30 countries in all regions of the world.  Most participants were NGO representatives.

The goal of the conference was to enhance the effectiveness of NGOs in promoting the human rights of refugees by promoting cross-border networking.

At the concluding plenary participants warmly endorsed the major recommendation to establish an international network on refugee rights.

The report of the conference is available at

Developing an international network

At the June 2006 conference, a steering committee was struck to oversee the development of a global network (informal or formal) on refugee rights.  Two key tasks for the steering committee are to: establish electronic communication between conference participants and other NGOs interested in networking on refugee rights and to plan for another conference to be held in 2008 in a different region of the world.

 Since June, terms of reference for the steering committee have been developed.

 The goals of the network are:

  • To advance the rights of refugees by facilitating effective ongoing cross-border networking among NGOs committed to refugee rights.
  • To support in particular grassroots NGOs working in situations where they have limited opportunities for networking on refugee rights.
  • To strengthen the global voice advocating for refugee rights.

Getting involved in the international network

NGOs committed to refugee rights are invited to join the emerging international network.  To indicate your interest and receive more information as it becomes available, send an email to with International Network in the subject line.

The Steering Committee could also benefit from additional members.  If you and your organization are able to commit some time and energy to guiding the development of the international network, we would like to hear from you.  Please send an email to

Flyer announcing the international network PDF