Canadian Council for Refugees
International Refugee Rights Conference
17-19 June 2006, Toronto

The Conference in Pictures
We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Council for Refugees held a very successful international refugee rights conference 17-19 June 2006 in Toronto, CanadaThe conference was attended by close to 500 participants, with representation from over 30 countries in all regions of the world.  Most participants were NGO representatives and Non-NGOs that are supportive of the work of NGOs also attended.

Please use the menu to the left to consult the conference report or find out more about the International Network on Refugee Rights.


Goal of the conference

The conference brought together representatives of NGOs* committed to refugee protection from around the world, including the Global South, to examine the state of refugee protection and the role being played by NGOs.   The goal of the conference was to enhance the effectiveness of NGOs in promoting the human rights of refugees by promoting cross-border networking. 

Conference sessions

We adapted the successful consultation model regularly used by the Canadian Council for Refugees to fit the international nature of our June 2006 consultation. The conference took place as follows:

Part 1: participatory workshops geared to information-sharing and strategizing on particular topics.
Part 2: working sessions to develop specific action items
Part 3: concluding plenary session to review and agree on consolidated action items.

The main themes that were covered during the conference were:
  • Interdiction and access to protection
  • Internally displaced persons
  • Effective protection
  • Detention of asylum seekers
  • Economic and social rights of refugees 
  • Durable solutions (local integration, voluntary repatriation, resettlement)
  • Refugee determination
  • Gender violence and refugees
  • Trafficking in persons
  • Settlement and integration of refugees
Workshop topics included: Interdiction and access to protection, Detention of asylum seekers, Voluntary repatriation, Resettlement, Internally displaced persons, Refugee determination issues, Gender violence and refugees, Trafficking in persons, Statelessness, Combating negative public opinion/Promoting positive attitude, Palestinian refugees, Family reunification, Economic and social rights of refugees, Gender-based approach to settlement, Refugee children, Survivors of torture, Integration of resettled refugees, Haiti, Security agenda & refugees, Warehousing, Refugee youth, welcoming communities,  Theology of migration, Forced return + more.

The conference schedule and details about the sessions are available here PDF


The CCR is an umbrella NGO, with some 180 member organizations in Canada.  It is the leading advocate for refugees in Canada.  Its mission commits it to promoting the protection of refugees in Canada and around the world.  For more information, consult the CCR website at


* "NGO" means "non-governmental organization".  Some may use the term "voluntary agency".