Frequently Asked Questions, last amended 24 July 2009 (This document is intended to give basic information to people considering making a refugee claim in Canada or to their advisors)

See also: Notice to persons in the US who wish to claim refugee status at the Canadian border (version in Spanish; version in creole)

See also the Canadian government's guide

Strategies for intervening in family reunification cases: Practical guide
This guide addresses: A. Children overseas separated from refugee parents in Canada; B. Excluded family members (s. 117(9)(d)); C. Landing of refugees with family members whose files are not finalized; D. DNA testing; E. Beginning processing of dependants overseas of protected persons.

Fact sheet for nationals of moratoria countries without permanent status in Canadapdf

Fact sheet for nationals of Burundi, Liberia and Rwanda without permanent status in Canada pdf (information following the lifting on 23 July 2009 of the moratoria for these three countries).