Citizenship and Immigration Canada proposed the following principles:

A. Integration is a two way process, which involves commitment on the part of newcomers to adapt to life in Canada and on the part of Canadians to adapt to new people and cultures.

B. The ability of newcomers to communicate in one of Canada’s official languages is key to integration.

C. Newcomers’ contributions to the economic and social fabric of Canada are valued: it is important for newcomers to become economically and socially self-sufficient; and it is important for members of communities in Canada to help to ensure that newcomers have opportunities to participate in and contribute to the economic and social life of Canada.

D. It is important to share with newcomers the principles, traditions and values that are inherent in Canadian society such as freedom, equality, and participatory democracy.

E. Settlement and integration services will be aimed at helping newcomers become self-sufficient as soon as possible.  Priority will be given to those facing significant barriers to integration, and who are deemed most in need within the community.

F. Settlement and integration services across the country will be flexible, responsive and reasonably comparable.

Round II.  Consultations on Settlement Renewal: Finding a New Direction for Newcomer Integration, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, 1996.