National principles must be upheld by national standards. These standards still need to be developed along with mechanisms which ensure compliance.
1. Client eligibility
a) Settlement/integration services should be available to immigrants/refugees
based on need rather than on immigration status or length of time in Canada;
2. Eligibility of Service Deliverers:
b) Services which are mandated by provincial, regional, or local governments
(health care, primary-secondary education, administration of justice) should
not be funded as settlement and integration services;
c) Not-for-profit, community-based organizations with proven track records, and a primary mandate in delivering settlement/integration services should be given funding priority;
d) Service-providers should have expertise and skills in the field of settlement and integration;
3. Rights of clients:
e) Providers of settlement and integration services must respect and
protect fundamental rights of clients (eg. confidentiality, legal, etc.);
f) Services should be delivered in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate and free from racism and other forms of discrimination;
g) Organizations collecting and using data must meet standards of appropriateness, confidentiality, validity, etc. and must be accountable to the clients whose information is being collected;
4. Comprehensiveness of services:
h) Where appropriate and practical, clients should be able to choose
from among service-providers the approach to service-delivery that best
meets their needs;
i) Settlement/integration services should:
- meet national standards,
- reflect changing needs of the local community,
- meet the self-defined needs of the individual immigrant/refugee;
5. Accessibility of services
j) Services should be made accessible by identifying and removing systemic
6. Priority-setting and funding allocation process
k) Where established, local or regional advisory bodies should identify
local settlement and integration priorities. These non-partisan bodies
should be composed of community members with expertise in the provision
of settlement services and reflect the ethno-racial composition of the
client group;
7. Humanitarian Obligations
l) Settlement Renewal should not reduce the federal government's national
obligations to international responsibility-sharing and offering a safe
haven to refugees. The rights and needs of refugees must be integrated
and guaranteed priority in the provision of settlement and integration
8. Accountability
m) Allocation of settlement funds should be utilized solely for settlement/integration
n) Methods for ensuring accountability should be appropriate, realistic
and cost effective. They should:
– reflect accountability methods already in place;
– not constitute “undue scrutiny” in comparison with practices
for other comparable service sectors;
9. Enduring Federal Role
o) A strong federal role must include a commitment to continue to fund
settlement services at a rate not less than the 1994/95 funding level.