The Canadian Council for Refugees is offering funding to assist youth (age 18-25) in participating in the Fall Consultation in Calgary, 24-26 November 2010. The funding will cover air/train fare to Calgary and accommodation (shared hotel room). Other costs such as food or ground transportation are not covered. The registration fee will be waived.
This funding aims at increasing the youth perspective in discussions on settlement. The CCR particularly encourages the participation of refugee youth in its conferences, but funding will not be limited to youth with a refugee background.
Applicants must fill in and submit the application form, together with a letter of support from an organization, by Tuesday 19 October 2010.
The CCR will use the following criteria in making the selection:
- Knowledge of the diverse settlement experiences of refugee and immigrant youth.
- Ability to contribute effectively to discussions on newcomer youth settlement issues.
- Diversity of representation (regional, gender, refugee experience, etc).
- Level of commitment to using the experience of participation in the future.
- Financial need
Please cut and paste the questions below into a document and fill in:
- Your name:
- Address:
- Telephone:
- Email:
- Age:
- Gender:
- Name of the organization to which you are affiliated:
- Please describe your experience, as a refugee and/or in working with refugees and immigrants.
- In what ways have you been connecting with immigrant and refugee youth in your region or across Canada?
- What do you think are the most important issues affecting the settlement of refugee and immigrant youth in Canada?
- What do you hope to gain from attending the CCR consultation? How will you use the experience in the future?
- Have you attended a previous CCR consultation? If yes, how did you use your experiences at the Consultation(s)? If no, why not?
- The funding is intended for people who cannot otherwise afford to attend the CCR Consultation. Please explain your financial need.
In addition to the form, you must submit a letter from an organization confirming that they support your participation and will cover expenses not covered by the CCR. The letter should also state what they see as the benefits of your attending the CCR.
Please submit the completed application form and letter from your organization by Tuesday 19 October 2010 to CCR:
Fax 514-277-1447
Mail 6839A Drolet #302, Montréal QC, H2S 2T1.