3 June 2009


Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Fax (613) 996-4973


Dear Mr Bevilacqua,

            I am writing to say that the Canadian Council for Refugees is dismayed and deeply disappointed that you have joined the Conservative members of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in blocking speedy passage of Bill C-291, which would finally give refugees access to the appeal approved by Parliament in 2001.

            Refugees need the appeal in order to protect them from being sent back to face persecution following an error in the determination of their claim.  Canada needs the refugee appeal in order to comply with our international human rights obligations not to refoule refugees.

            In the last Parliament the Liberal Party upheld the principle of refugee protection by voting for the Refugee Appeal Division.  Your current stance represents a backtracking from that human rights based position.

            In voting against immediate study by the Committee of Bill C-291, you are betraying refugee rights.

            We call on you, as Liberal immigration critic, to immediately revise your position and to act strenuously to ensure that Bill C-291 is returned to the House without amendment before the summer recess, and that the Liberal Party fully supports the rapid passage of the bill in both the House and the Senate.

            We request an urgent meeting to discuss this matter with you.

Yours sincerely,



Elizabeth McWeeny


cc. Michael Ignatieff, M.P., Leader of the Liberal Party, Fax (613) 996-4973


3 June 2009


Hon. Jim Karygiannis, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Fax (613) 995-1612


Dear Mr Karygiannis,

            I am writing to say that the Canadian Council for Refugees is dismayed and deeply disappointed that you have failed to vote in favour of speedy passage of Bill C-291, which would finally give refugees access to the appeal approved by Parliament in 2001.  By your absence or absention on crucial votes, you have joined the Conservative members of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in blocking this vital bill.

            Refugees need the appeal in order to protect them from being sent back to face persecution following an error in the determination of their claim.  Canada needs the refugee appeal in order to comply with our international human rights obligations not to refoule refugees.

            In the last Parliament the Liberal Party upheld the principle of refugee protection by voting for the Refugee Appeal Division.  Your current stance represents a backtracking from that human rights based position.

            By failing to vote for immediate study by the Committee of Bill C-291, you are betraying refugee rights.

            We call on you to immediately revise your position and to act strenuously to ensure that Bill C-291 is returned to the House without amendment before the summer recess, and that the Liberal Party fully supports the rapid passage of the bill in both the House and the Senate.

            We request an urgent meeting to discuss this matter with you.

Yours sincerely,



Elizabeth McWeeny

cc. Michael Ignatieff, M.P., Leader of the Liberal Party, Fax (613) 996-4973


Le 3 juin 2009


Alexandra Mendes, députée
Chambre des communes
Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0A6
Télécopieur : (613) 992-7273 


Madame la députée,

            Je vous écris afin de vous dire que le Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés est consterné et extrêmement déçu que vos collègues libéraux du Comité permanent n’ont pas appuyé l’adoption rapide du projet de loi C-291, qui accorderait enfin le droit d’appel aux réfugiés, tel qu’approuvé par le Parlement en 2001.  Nous sommes reconnaissants que vous avez vous-même voté en faveur de l’étude immédiate du projet de loi, preuve que vous comprenez son importance.

            Comme vous le savez, les réfugiés ont besoin de l’appel pour être protégés du refoulement vers la persécution suite à une erreur dans la détermination de leur demande du statut de réfugié.  Le Canada a besoin de l’appel pour les réfugiés afin de se conformer à l’obligation internationale de non-refoulement.

            Lors du dernier Parlement, le Parti libéral a soutenu le principe de la protection des réfugiés en votant en faveur de la Section d’appel des réfugiés.  La position actuelle du parti représente un recul par rapport à l’ancienne position fondée sur le respect des droits humains.

            Par leur manque d’appui à l’étude immédiate par le Comité du projet de loi C-291, vos collègues trahissent les droits des réfugiés.

            Nous vous demandons de faire tout votre possible afin de convaincre vos collègues de repenser leur position et d’agir vigoureusement pour s’assurer que le projet de loi C-291 soit renvoyé à la Chambre sans amendement avant le congé d’été, et que le Parti libéral soutienne pleinement l’adoption rapide du projet de loi tant par la Chambre que par le Sénat.

            Je vous prie d’agréer, Madame la Députée, mes respectueux hommages.



Elizabeth McWeeny


cc. Michael Ignatieff, député, chef du Parti libéral, télécopieur (613) 996-4973

3 June 2009


Alexandra Mendes, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6
Fax (613) 992-7273   

Dear Ms Mendes,

            I am writing to say that the Canadian Council for Refugees is dismayed and deeply disappointed that your Liberal colleagues on the Standing Committee have failed to support speedy passage of Bill C-291, which would finally give refugees access to the appeal approved by Parliament in 2001.  We appreciate that you yourself have voted in favour of immediate study of the bill, demonstrating that you understand the importance of this bill.

            As you know, refugees need the appeal in order to protect them from being sent back to face persecution following an error in the determination of their claim.  Canada needs the refugee appeal in order to comply with our international human rights obligations not to refoule refugees.

            In the last Parliament the Liberal Party upheld the principle of refugee protection by voting for the Refugee Appeal Division.  The party’s current stance represents a backtracking from that human rights based position.

            By failing to vote for immediate study by the Committee of Bill C-291, your colleagues are betraying refugee rights.

            We call on you to do all you can to persuade your colleagues to revise their position and to act strenuously to ensure that Bill C-291 is returned to the House without amendment before the summer recess, and that the Liberal Party fully supports the rapid passage of the bill in both the House and the Senate.


Yours sincerely,



Elizabeth McWeeny


cc. Michael Ignatieff, M.P., Leader of the Liberal Party, fax (613) 996-4973